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What's New in 3.4

On July 26, 2023, KubeSphere 3.4.0 was officially released with these new features and enhancements: stable support for Kubernetes v1.26; restructure the alerting policy architecture and decouple it into alerting rules and rule groups; increase the display weight of cluster alias to fix the management problems caused by the non-modifiable cluster name; and upgrade KubeEdge to v1.13, etc. What's more, a number of fixes, optimizations, and enhancements have been made to further improve the interaction and enhance the overall user experience.

To know details about new feature of KubeSphere 3.4, you can read the article KubeSphere 3.4.0 Released: Support K8s v1.26.

In addition to the above highlights, this release also features other functionality, upgrades and fixes the known bugs. There were some deprecated or removed features in 3.4. For more and detailed information, see the Release Notes for 3.4.1.

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